Attendee List: ULI Baltimore: Transform Baltimore     Register for Event

Name Company City State Country
Akers Maryanne Morgan State University Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Allen Christopher SageGlass | Saint-Gobain Aiken SC UNITED STATES
Allen Matthew Klein Enterprises Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Ansbacher Jacob Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Arcudi Eric Stewart & Tate Construction York PA UNITED STATES
Bachmann John AECOM Beijing CHINA
Bainum Michael C. Enterprise Homes, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Baker Adam D. Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Ballentine Tom NAIOP Maryland Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Ballestero Victoria D.S. Thaler & Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Barnes Terra Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Cockeysville MD UNITED STATES
Barth Thomas First American Title Insurance Company Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Barth Thomas First American Title Insurance Company Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Bedwell Cecily J.F. Design Collective, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Behneman M. Ryan Penza Bailey Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Bell Michael ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC Hanover MD UNITED STATES
Berg David The Berg Corporation Owings Mills MD UNITED STATES
Bergmann Susannah M. Kaliber Construction, Inc. Baldwin MD UNITED STATES
Berman Cynthia Kramon & Graham, P. A. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Bishop Matthew Morris & Ritchie Associates, Inc. Towson MD UNITED STATES
Blake Michael Marks, Thomas Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Block Adam Gallagher Evelius & Jones, LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Bothner Douglas Ziger/Snead Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Bradshaw David Schneider Electric - EcoBuildings Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Brouillard Ronnie Kinsley Construction, Inc. Timonium MD UNITED STATES
Burrows Lauren Agera Energy Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Cardona Luis O. Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Childress Brian D.S. Thaler & Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Coakley Frank Baltimore Community Lending Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Cohen Andrew B. The Woda Group, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Coleman Skip Cambridge Architectural Mesh Cambridge MD UNITED STATES
Corteal Anthony J. STV Incorporated Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Costello Eric Baltimore City Council Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Counselman Mark RCM&D Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Crowley Michael Hord Coplan Macht Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Crummey Andrew The Shelter Group Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Cruz Antonio The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co Phoenix MD UNITED STATES
Curlett Kerri Marland Construction Network White Hall MD UNITED STATES
Davis Sean D. Morris & Ritchie Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
DeZinno John M. Howard Bank Ellicott City MD UNITED STATES
Dickeson Laurie D. Penza Bailey Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Domzal Alyssa Ballard Spahr LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Dorfman William Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Driskill B Lee Hord Coplan Macht Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Dymond David William Gensler Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Ellingson Matt Floura Teeter Landscape Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Etoh Katelin Ziger/Snead Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Farrell John T. Cushman & Wakefield Washington DC UNITED STATES
Feinberg Laurie Baltimore City Department of Planning Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Fink Katie Lorax Partnerships, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Fiorelli Neal Lorax Partnerships, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Fisher Michael W. Site Resources, Inc. Phoenix MD UNITED STATES
Flynn Britton Gaudreau, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Foster Scot BCT Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Freeman Andy Klein Enterprises Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Funk Nick Plano-Coudon Construction Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Garono Matthew RE/MAX Commercial Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Garver Peter Z. Garver Development Group, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Goodier Dan Goodier Property Group Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Goodrich James E. Saul Ewing LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Goodwin Michael Design Collective, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Granger Sally Southway Builders Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Greenfeld Josh Maryland Building Industry Association Fulton MD UNITED STATES
Griesmar Hailee Lorax Partnerships, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Guinn Tess Bozzuto Development Company Greenbelt MD UNITED STATES
Harman Brendan MacKenzie Capital Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Harvey R. Dixon Black Oak Associates, Inc. Towson MD UNITED STATES
Hayden Paul H. Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Hayes Dan Rock River Capital Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Hearn Katie Redgate Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Himmelrich Jacob Himmelrich Associates Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Hossick John Allen & Shariff Engineering Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Housseini Aziz The AZ Group Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Howard Kevin W. CGS Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Hunce Raymond Marcus & Millichap Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Hutton Heather Kimley-Horn Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Jones Armstead Baltimore Development Corp baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Kennell Justin Questar Properties, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
King Kevin Hord Coplan Macht Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Kirkley Valerie Hord Coplan Macht Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Klein Daniel J. Klein Enterprises Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Kobin Keith Hord Coplan Macht Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Kolb Ken Morgan-Keller Construction Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Kraft Jon H Kimley-Horn Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Krupinski Chris RK&K Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Kunst Kara Baltimore City Council Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Lake Andrea KCI Technologies, Inc. Sparks MD UNITED STATES
Lane Kathleen AIABaltimore Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Laria Jon M. Ballard Spahr LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Lavin Tony bgrCPAs Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Lazas Dave Atapco Properties Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Lechleiter Kathleen K.Lechleiter Architect BALTIMORE MD UNITED STATES
Leffner Nicholas Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Lessem Jonathan Ziger/Snead Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Long Marie Venable LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Lotz Jerry CostSeg Energy Solutions Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Loveless Daniel Whitman, Requardt & Associates Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Lundberg Pat Design Collective, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Mackoff April Birnbaum Clear Channel Outdoor Laurel MD UNITED STATES
Majev Collin The Morganti Group, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Marcozzi David FILLAT+ Architecture Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Marrocco Troy BCT Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
McElravy Morgan Municap, Inc. Public Finance Columbia MD UNITED STATES
McLaren David W. McLaren Engineering Group Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
McWilliams Eric Bohler Engineering Towson MD UNITED STATES
Meiburger Joe ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC Hanover MD UNITED STATES
Mellits Piero V. McLaren Engineering Group Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Meushaw Alex The Concourse Group Annapolis MD UNITED STATES
Min Kimberly Jean Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Monaco Melanie Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Morgan Brian KCI Technologies, Inc. Sparks MD UNITED STATES
Morris Michael Cana Development Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Myers Jerry Kinsley Construction, Inc. Lutherville Timonium MD UNITED STATES
Neiman Joshua E. Hybrid Development Group, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Ngongang Theo AECOM Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Olsen Joshua A. Monument Realty Washington DC UNITED STATES
Palmer Addison STV Incorporated Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Palumbo Patricia Klein Enterprises Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Pastakia Mehr Pratum Greenroofs, LLC Washington DC UNITED STATES
Pecoraro Karen A. ATC Group Services LLC Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Penza Jeffrey A. Penza Bailey Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Penza Laura Penza Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Pieranunzi Michael Century Engineering, Inc. Hunt Valley MD UNITED STATES
Pinkard Gregory Pinkard Properties, LLC Lutherville MD UNITED STATES
Pinkard Katherine Pinkard Properties Towson MD UNITED STATES
Polakoff Benjamin L. Polakoff Sefret Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Pollak Mark Ballard Spahr LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Potter Ryan J. Gallagher Evelius & Jones, LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Prevas Thomas K. Saul Ewing LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Purcell Craig BCT Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Pyati Archana ULI-the Urban Land Institute Washington DC UNITED STATES
Ragland Sherman L. Tradewinds Realty Partners, LLC Upper Marlboro MD UNITED STATES
Rapisarda Greg Saul Ewing LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Reiser Lauren Arris, a Design Studio, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Rhodes Connie Rhodes Development, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Richardson Evan Morgan State University Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Rickert Karl Rickert Engineering, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Rivera Francisco Whitney Bailey Cox & Magnani, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Rogers Reanna Penza Bailey Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Rowe Brandon Bohler Engineering Towson MD UNITED STATES
Ruehl Shawn B&R Engineering Services Glen Burnie MD UNITED STATES
Russell Sean E.L. Baltimore Community Lending Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Sabo Kat Budova Engineering, Inc. Arnold MD UNITED STATES
Sales Pedro BCT Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Scarfone Scott C. Oasis Design Group Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Schorr Yanky Lewis Contractors Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Schulman Jon Caves Valley Partners Towson MD UNITED STATES
Seitz Deborah JDAVIS Architects Philadelphia PA UNITED STATES
Selfridge Jon Goodier Properties Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Sena David Urban Green Environmental, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Sink Brittany Morris & Ritchie Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Sloan Joshua VIKA Germantown MD UNITED STATES
Steedman Tracy Adelberg, Rudow, Dorf & Hendler, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Stern Jacob Somerset Development Company Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Stewart Gina Maryland Department of Commerce Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Stine Andrew Bohler Engineering Towson MD UNITED STATES
Storm Jones Alice Floura Teeter Landscape Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Stosur Tom Baltimore City Planning Department Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Stubb Peter Gensler Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Sullivan Denise A. Urban Green Environmental, LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Thaler David D.S. Thaler & Associates, Inc. Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Tyler Ann BCT Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Veach Janon KatzAbosch Timonium MD UNITED STATES
Wallace Sydney BCT Architects Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Weinberg Paul Klein Enterprises Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Weisman Evan J. Corporate Office Properties Trust Columbia MD UNITED STATES
Widlake DJ Plano-Coudon Construction Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Willard Mark Daft McCune Walker Inc. Towson MD UNITED STATES
Williams Carrie Ann Andana Consulting Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Williams Justin A. Rosenberg Martin Greenberg, LLP Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Williams Richard Development Design Consultants, Inc. Westminster MD UNITED STATES
Williams Susan STV Incorporated Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Wilson Derrick A. Washington DC UNITED STATES
Wittich Connie Metropolitan Studio Lutherville MD UNITED STATES
Woolman Joseph R. J.R. Woolman LLC Baltimore MD UNITED STATES
Zarski Valek Baltimore Land Design Group, Inc. Hunt Valley MD UNITED STATES
Zivkovich Trent Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Baltimore MD UNITED STATES

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